This pretty in pink bouquet is made in a mixture of mainly stunning pinks with a touch of ivory. With co-ordinating wrappers and ribbons to compliment the design this bouquet would be perfect for many occasions. It has a nice variety of seasonal blooms and fresh foliages, just add on that special message and it will be completed with a display box containing water, for delivery in Hereford and surrounding areas. Why not put a smile on someone's face by ordering today.
The item shown is the deluxe option.
Some flowers are delivered in bud for maximum vase life.
This pretty in pink bouquet is made in a mixture of mainly stunning pinks with a touch of ivory. With co-ordinating wrappers and ribbons to compliment the design this bouquet would be perfect for many occasions. It has a nice variety of seasonal blooms and fresh foliages, just add on that special message and it will be completed with a display box containing water, for delivery in Hereford and surrounding areas. Why not put a smile on someone's face by ordering today.
The item shown is the deluxe option.
Some flowers are delivered in bud for maximum vase life.
266 35.00 Hillmans Florist